Dr. Keira Noble, 1 Centennial Drive, Campbelltown

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Dr. Keira Noble is listed in the following categories: Establishment   Health  


+61 2 4626 6932

1 Centennial Drive, Campbelltown, New South Wales 2560

Establishment   Health  

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  • Monica Moroney
    ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    I cannot be more disappointed with the service and lack of support I received at Dr Nobel’s clinic. I went here as Work Cover treatment at the Campbelltown Anxiety and Depression clinic. I was met with a hostile and difficult receptionist followed by my first appointment starting 24 mins late. It was the initial assessment so I understood the first appointment was mostly questions but as soon as my allocated appointment time ended, Dr Nobel stood up and guided me to the door ubruptly and when I asked, ‘what happens from here’ I was told to book an appointment in a fortnight.

    Whilst trying to do this via the receptionist, she was again hostile and defensive. I left the clinic feeling hopeless, confused and even more deflated.

    Just before my second appointment, I received a confirmation email (non automated) which I answered with important questions I had been encouraged to ask by the insurance company paying for the sessions ie. more frequent appointments so I could receive treatment that would allow me to return to work sooner. This was never replied to and instead I received a cancellation text the next day about lunchtime as Dr Nobel was unwell.

    It was when I used this number to text if my previous questions could now be answered, I was met with short and rude messages. I then tried to call both the text and clinic number and no one answered. It wasn’t until I left a voicemail stating I would alerting the appointment insurance company of this poor and rude treatment, that the receptionist answered the phone. She was aggressive, defensive and incredibly rude in her conversation. When I said I would be cancelling all future appointments made she stated, ‘good’ and became incredibly sarcastic when I said that I would be letting the insurance company and my psychiatrist know about the lack of service and respect shown to clients. She again said, ‘good’ and finished the call.

    I highly recommend anyone experiencing mental health concerns avoiding this clinic at all costs as there was never one iota of compassion or genuine care shown in my short but incredibly distressing experience.
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Dr. Keira Noble is based in Campbelltown. Full address is 1 Centennial Drive. Australia postal code is 2560. We invite you to visit the official website of Dr. Keira Noble . There you can find last news, actual informations about working hours, additional contact details. Also you can call the contact number +61 2 4626 6932 to ask your questions. In today's world the easiest way to get information from social media profiles. Please check facebook, google+, twitter social profiles of Dr. Keira Noble.
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